How can we help you?

If you would like to get detailed information about our SlimEDC product and services in the field of market research, non-interventional studies, arrange a meeting or conference call with us.

Visit us in person


Altamira Softworks, s. r. o.
Jaskový rad 187

831 01 Bratislava


IČO: 44880774

IČDPH: SK2022861368

We are registered in the Commercial Register of the Slovak Republic
Bratislava I, section Sro, insert no. 59592 / B.

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Book a consultation

The best, how to show you the possibilities of EDC system SlimEDC, is during a live demonstration. Arrange a meeting with us and during a conference call we will go through our reference projects or we will show you on a real example of your study how easy and fast we are able to manage your project.

Objednajte si termín živej ukážky SlimEDC

Možnosti EDC systému SlimEDC Vám najlepšie predvedieme počas živej ukážky. Dohodnite si s nami termín a prostredníctvom konferenčného hovoru Vám ukážeme referenčné projekty alebo Vám na reálnom príklade Vašej štúdie ukážeme ako ľahko a rýchlo dokážeme projekt zrealizovať.